Contact our team using the following information:
Public Enquiries and Concerns
Please note: we cannot provide follow-up information for anonymous complaints.
Online Systems Support
Well Data Request Form
Copyright Permission Request Form
Public Interest Disclosure Act
For Community Relations, Major Projects, Media and Publications or other General enquiries, fill out the form below and your request will be routed to the appropriate team.

Victoria Office
Physical Address:
2950 Jutland Rd, Victoria, B.C., V8T 5K2
Mailing Address:
PO Box 9331 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, B.C., V8W 9N3

Fort Nelson Office
Physical Address:
#101, 4701 55th St, Fort Nelson, B.C., V0C 1R0
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3100, Fort Nelson, B.C. V0C 1R0