The following is an example of an acceptable letter that may be provided to the OGC when applying for a reservoir project (Good Engineering Practice, Waterflood or Gas Injection Pressure Maintenance, Concurrent Production, Salt Water or Acid Gas Disposal), from each of the subsurface tenure holders (as registered with the British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Titles Branch), within the area and formation of application. Consent letters are not required where the applicant is the designated operator of a Unit Agreement for the zone of application.

This format may also be used when requesting an area amendment to a previously approved project.

However, the consenting tenure holder is not limited to the exclusive use of this format.

[Consenting Company]


Oil and Gas Commission
Resource Conservation Branch
PO Box 9329
Stn Prov Gov’t
Victoria BC V8W 9N3

Dear Sir:

RE: Consent to Application For [Project type, example Good Engineering Practice]

Please be advised that [Consenting Company], as the registered tenure holder of:

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease(s) # _[Lease number]__

Drilling Licence(s) # _[Licence number]__

hereby consents to the inclusion of those lands in [Company making application]’s application for [Project type, example Good Engineering Practice], dated [date of application], for the [Field and Pool name].


[Signature and printed name and title]
[Phone number]
[FAX number]
[Email address]